Greener Second Chances is a blog about recycling and repurposing almost any household items you have in your home. Also finding easier ways to keep recycling simple and repurposing fun.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween

Monday, October 17, 2011
Thrift Find Makeover

I love makeovers of just about anything from people to things. A couple of weeks ago, I found this tray that someone started to make as a craft.
I loved the idea but it looked boring. I replaced the paper with one of my orchid photos. I took off the corner embellishments and replaced them with pearls. Then I took a chartreuse satin ribbon and attached it to the side to hide a few scratches on the frame and viola....

I recreated this beautiful piece. I can't help but get a sense of satisfaction that with a few tweaks, I can create something beautiful.
It's available on my Etsy store...
Friday, October 14, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Step by Step to make Lamp from Window Blinds

If you want the step by step instructions, go to http://www.readymade.com/projects/awesome_pendant_lamp
Monday, October 10, 2011
Answer The Call of the Wild

Thursday, October 6, 2011
New Use for Glass Sugar Dispenser

I received my Paper Crafts magazine (Nov/Dec) edition today and I was pleased to pass along a great idea they featured.
Glass sugar dispensers often used in diners are the perfect size to hold twine and even ribbon. Loved the idea because it useful in organizing craft spaces.
You can find these dispensers often in thrift shops. Amazon also sells them but they would probably be much cheaper at thrift shops. Paper Crafts Magazine said they saw the idea from Etsy.com but didn't specify if it was from an article or a shop.
I might use this idea myself to organize loose ribbon I have in my drawers. I'll have to keep an eye out the next time I visit a thrift store.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Eco Tips on Used Tea Bags
I have a wonderful local publication that I pick up at the grocery store called Natural Awakenings. In their September issue, they had an article that gave ideas to extend the life of a tea bag. They stated that discarded tea bags add up to 1,500 tons of landfill waste annually. I personally compost mine (after removing the metal staple) but I am inspired to try some of these ideas before they go to the compost pile.
- Tea bags can be used as a compress for bee stings, bug bites, sunburn and bruises. It is supposed to help with pain and reduce inflammation.
- Make plantar warts disappear by pressing a warm, wet tea bag directly to the area for 10-15 min. Then let the area dry naturally. After a few days of repeated treatment, the wart should go away. Hmmm? Not sure about that one.
- Green tea bags can be put in warm bath water and soaking in green tea is supposed to give you soft skin.
- Puffy eyes can be helped with cold used tea bags. The tannin in the tea is supposed to help with this.
- Razor burn can be relieved by pressing a tea bag to irritated skin.
- Dabbing skin with a moist tea bag is supposed to dry up the rash.
- Opening the bag and mixing the contents in soil can perk up acid-loving plants like ferns, roses, hydrangea, azaleas, etc.
These ideas were adapted from a website called ChasingGreen.org