Monday, March 28, 2011

Ditch the Junk Mail

Along with catalogs, credit card offers also can pile up in your mailbox. If you want to save time sifting through mail, take a few minutes to call 888-5-OPT-OUT and halt credit card offers. If you are going to throw out the mail anyway, then it's worth doing because 5 minutes of sifting through mail adds up over the course of a year.

Another option is the save the letters and use the opposite blank side to use as scrap paper. You can store them in a basket. They are handy for printing online coupons, printing directions, invoices after you order something online, and emails you want to keep in print form. I like to do sweepstakes and use them to print the official rules. Think of how much $$ you'll save from having to buy reams of paper.

I also use envelopes from junk mail to put my grocery list on or a "to do" list for the day. Sometimes I jot down reminders for myself.

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