If you've recently upgraded your iPod, what do you do with the old one? What do you do with all the CD's you've got cluttering your space? What do you do with the DVD's you have now that you have Netflix streaming?
Tunes 4 Troops (which is run by The University of Tennessee Tech) collects these items and sends them overseas. You can even become a satellite coordinator in your community. Click on this link for more information http://www.tunes4thetroops.com/faq.html
Here are the types of items they collect:
New/gently used CD's, DVD's
iPods/MP3 players
iTunes gift cards
Game systems
No VHS tapes or CD's, Games, DVD's that are copied illegally. You can send CD's and DVD's without the plastic jackets.
Donation and shipping costs are also tax deductable. It's cheaper to use flat rate shipping boxes to ship game consoles. Great way to show your support of our troops.
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